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Verly , F. . (2022). Community Of Shared Future for Humanity: A Developing Emotional Community? . Razón Crítica, (13). https://doi.org/10.21789/25007807.1854
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China's growth in recent decades and its relationship with the liberal world order led by the United States –of which China questions some of its main characteristics— has put the country at the center of international debate. Three visions of the role of China in this relationship are discussed: a) China adapts to this order due to its involvement in the international society and its participation in international organizations; b) China modifies and adjusts to it through the same organizations or by the creation of new ones; or c) China clashes with the organizations and a new order is constructed. This paper departs from this discussion by analyzing the relation between China and the international liberal order by deconstructing China’s strategic narrative of a “Community of Shared Future for Mankind” (CSFM) to evidence the emotional components that underpin it. This paper shows how China uses emotions to stress certain principles and visions.

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