
Cómo citar
Fitzgerald, O. E. . (2023). Entangled Beings: A Reflection on Making Art Assemblages from Waste Materials. La Tadeo Dearte, 9(12), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.21789/24223158.2107
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Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0.


This paper reflects on making visual art works with everyday waste material found  in the garbage heaps of the postmodern cyborg Anthropocene. My reflection, shaped by earlier material explorations of creating assemblages from discarded or decaying materials, focuses mainly on the challenge of making a semi-permanent art assemblage titled Amazonia, Goddess of Waste. The methodologies I followed for this reflection are autoethnography and interdisciplinary art-international law research creation. My outlook has been influenced by art movements such as new materialism, postmodernism, and posthumanism. The meditations that I included in this document – related to international law’s failure to protect human rights and the environment and the opportunities and challenges of artmaking in times of environmental crisis – were produced as I struggled with the materiality of Amazonia’s paradoxical fragility.


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